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When: June 11th - 19th

Where: Home & Studio of Nate Szarmach in Austin TX


Having a studio is a privilege. This summer, I want to share that privilege with another artist. The Sabbath Residency is an opportunity for one artist to come to Austin, Texas and use my home and studio for one week of uninterrupted rest & creativity.


The roughy 400 sqft studio space has natural lighting, work tables, painting supplies, sculpting supplies, various power tools, easels, and if you need anything else I am 10 minutes from a fine arts store. 


Additionally, lodging is included for the artist and family (if applicable). You will have a home and a studio all to yourself!


(Travel expenses not included)


Selection criteria


Artists will be selected based on a written statement. Simply, I am looking for the person that this space will serve best. Nothing more. I want to bless a fellow artist with an opportunity to find some solitude, explore a new area, rest and create their art. You only need to make a case for why this would serve you and your practice well.


- Must be a full or part-time visual artist.

- Makes work that my studio can accommodate.


How to apply:


Fill out the form below. Once you finish the application, there is a $15 application fee. All application fees will go directly back into making the residency great for the selected artist.







1. What are the lodging accommodations? 2 rooms with 2 queen sized beds, full bath and a full kitchen

2. Can I bring my family? Yes

3. Can I bring my pet? No

4. Do I need to stay for the full duration? No

5. Can I put this on my resume? Yes

6. Are there any additional fees? Beyond the application, no

7. How far will I be from downtown Austin? 15 minutes



Thank you! You will hear back very soon

This form no longer accepts submissions.

Nate Szarmach     |     living and working in Austin, TX     |     email:     |     Instagram:   /nateszarmachartist

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